Our Hospitals – Challenges & Reality Conference
The OHCR conference was held on 12-13th May in Sopot, Poland, co-organized by the Polish team working on the Innovative Renovation of Hospital Wards EcoQUIP+ Project, in collaboration with the Association of Non-medical Healthcare Managers (SNKOZ) and Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH).
With more than 40 participants from Poland and Nordic countries the main topic of the conference was sustainability and energy efficiency. More information about the conference can be found on the Conference website.
The Project Team presented an overview and the future of innovative procurement projects and key ideas related to the concept of innovative procurement. This presentation was followed by the examples of such activities conducted by the Sucha Beskidzka Hospital from both EcoQUIP and EcoQUIP+ projects.
The Statement of Demand for the Innovative Renovation of Hospital Ward project was presented and discussed gaining some new supporters, who agreed, that the needs expressed by Sucha Beskidzka Hospital were shared by other healthcare stakeholders.
If you are interested in the Statement of Demand and would like to give your opinion about the needs developed you can do so using the Feedback Form.
If you are interested in learning more about the Sucha Beskidzka project more information can be found on the Project Page or by Email.