5th EcoQUIP+ Webinar – Pro-innovation tendering
The fifth webinar in the series looked at the principles and practices of pro-innovation procurement and used case examples of pro-innovation tendering to illustrate the process.
The fifth webinar in the series was entitled Pro-innovation Procurement and looked at how the tendering process can hinder innovation or instead be designed to enable innovative solutions to compete equally with established goods and services, and why this is essential in innovation procurement. The webinar covered the principles and practices of pro-innovation procurement and used case examples of pro-innovation tendering to illustrate the process.
While new technologies can create new opportunities, the traditional procurement process often reflects the old solutions and historical situations. A pro-innovation tendering strategy, however, is one designed to allow suppliers’ scope to propose innovative solutions and provides an opportunity for them to distinguish their products and services on factors other than price alone.
The webinar was delivered by Gaynor Whyles, director at JERA Consulting, EcoQUIP+ consortium member and expert practitioner.