The EcoQUIP Plus case study based report is now available
EcoQUIP Plus ran from January 2020 to January 2024 and has now come to an end!
The final publication of the project is a case study based report entitled “Delivering Efficiency, Quality and Sustainability in Healthcare through Innovation Procurement” and is based on the experience of six EcoQUIP Plus innovation procurement projects. The report describes the approach and the methods used within the projects, the learning gained in their implementation and the outcomes and benefits realised. It also looks at new unmet needs that have been identified by the project partners as they take their learning forward into their next innovation procurements.
For many of the project teams, innovation procurement was a completely new concept and required considerable changes in their procurement processes; for others with some prior experience, EcoQUIP Plus provided an opportunity to explore how innovation procurement could be applied to new challenges. At the end of the project the consortium is extremely satisfied with what has been achieved, both in terms of the procurements of innovation, but also the lasting impacts of EcoQUIP Plus within their respective organisations.
The report was launched at an online event on 12 January 2024 and is now available to download.